Mission: Our purpose is to be a bridge between pre-med and other pre-health students, medicine, and society. Health is not isolated to the clinic. For everyone, health forms an integral part that is both influenced by and can influence the everyday events that surround us. Our society and its developments are just as much a part of anybody’s health as the medicine doctors prescribe. We will also provide you with both the skills and opportunities to excel in the health field and plan to do this in several ways, including: our meetings, where presentations from fellow members will shine a light on the connections between our world and health; workshops and labs providing hands-on experience with skills like suturing; and guest presentations from our community’s top specialists. We strive to share our love of healing by ensuring that everyone walks away having learned and understood exciting topics! Even though medicine is full of big words and complicated ideas, we’re here to simplify the path to the holistic care that future patients deserve—a tenet we uphold everywhere possible. Membership is open to all students from any major in order to advance interest and education in health.
President: Markus Leonardo
Vice President: Jessica Hovhannisyan
Advisor: Robert Mardirosian
Meeting Times: Fridays at 1:00 (Once a month)