GCC Feminist Society
GCC Feminist Society
Mission: The goal of intersectional feminism is to uplift & empower women while ensuring no woman is left behind. Be it white, Black, Indigenous, Asian, Latina, trans, cis, lesbian, bisexual, rich, poor, young, middle-aged, elderly, physically or mentally disabled, citizen, non-citizen, US national, or international woman, we are a sisterhood.
Although we share a common sense of oppression, under the systemic rule of patriarchy, the degree to which this is felt varies. All of us have our own advantages & disadvantages. As intersectional feminists it’s our responsibility to listen, empathize, sympathize, provide compassion, & understanding to the struggles of our sisters.
We aim to aid women on campus with knowledge & participation that builds, self-awareness, self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence.
Both my vice-president and I are actively recruiting new members for leadership & general participation; however, we plan to proceed in sharing the requirements of each role between the two of us until all positions are filled.
President: Kali-Quin McKenzie
Vice President: Emma Rodriguez
Advisor: Megan Torrey-Payne
Meeting Times: Thursdays, 12:30-1:30 Bi-Weekly